
 How do we know the atmospheres and chemical makeup of distant stars and planets?  Create your own spectroscope to find out!

You will need:
Our free loan box, which includes pre-printed spectroscope box sheets, and a collection of old CD discs.
You will still need; Glue, Sellotape, and scissors, access to sunlight, an incandescent bulb, or even neon lights.
Our free PDF printable of the spectroscopy box, thin card to print it from, and a collection of old CDs.  Glue, sellotape, and scissors. Access to sunlight, an incandescent bulb, or even neon lights.

Objectives (UK National Curriculum 2014)

KS3 Science Light Waves
– light waves travelling through a vacuum; speed of light 
–  the transmission of light through materials: absorption, diffuse scattering and specular reflection at a surface 
– colours and the different frequencies of light, white light and prisms (qualitative only); differential colour effects in absorption and diffuse reflection.

Online presentation